Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Go English!

Just passed onto me from a fellow transplant, it seems that the bright legislators in my home state of West Virginia have just passed a law making English the official language of the state. Fortunately I don't have to feel too much shame for idiotic, xenophobic elected officials: most of them didn't realize they were signing the bill into law since it was tacked onto an innocuous bill about parks and recreation in the last moments of the legislative session by state Sen. Larry Edgell, a proponent of U.S. English, "the nation's oldest, largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States." Most of them didn't realize what they had done until the AP picked up on it, and I can't even find any mention of it in the local papers. So now I just have to feel the shame for idiotic, inattentive elected officials. And that whole mountain-top removal thing.

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