Monday, May 21, 2007

were lost but now are found

This past weekend was a boon in terms of finding things that were lost and that I had more or less given up hope of ever finding again. On Friday afternoon, after several weeks of searching everywhere in our house I could think of, I found a missing savings bond. Yes, dear readers, I advise you all to learn from my mistake and never, ever, misplace something that translates directly into about $900 of cold hard cash. Weirdly, I found it in my office, on the floor, under a stack of miscellaneous papers, in a folder with other savings bond-related items. I must have brought it to work sometime a couple months ago to call the Treasury folks, since as a government organization they are only open during the hours I'm at work.

I suspected that savings bond was lying around somewhere, but what was really shocking was when a dickumbrage and I watched a guy run up to our house sunday morning and leave a package on the front porch. Our first thought was "bomb?" but it turns out to have been a package I mailed my sister for her birthday over two months ago that she never got. It was a particularly frustrating loss, since the item contained within was a hand-knitted scarf I had made for her, and not something I could go pick up another of at a store. And it just so turns out that my sister will be in town next weekend, so I can give the scarf to her in person.


Lisa B. said...

So who was the guy and why did he have your package?

Anonymous said...

yayyyyayay! i'm so glad the scarf (and your savings bond) were found!