Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i muse. oh, how i muse.

Random musings, to make sure something shows up on this here blog now and then:

-I'm selling my car, sometimes known as Little Blue Wonder. 2002 Echo. Whatever money I have left after paying off the loan will be used to pay for cost of renting an apartment, which is steep relative to Ex-industrial City. I'm trying to determine a good, anonymous place I don't actually have to pay for to host one web page worth of information and a couple small jpegs. Blogger? Too easily tracked to my other blog activites, unless I created a new account. Southern Private Univesity-provided web space? Possible, but identified with my last name, and will likely disappear as soon as I cease to work here. Web space I pay for now? Domains all have my name in them. I wouldn't be so squeamish about the whole name business if my last name weren't so uncommon and google-able, and I weren't so afraid of random stalkers following my car around and sending me creepy letters.

-I tried to make Memorial Day weekend DIY Project Weekend. Started building some much-needed CD shelves, and probably would have gotten closer to finished if I hadn't drained the power out of the drill kindly lended to me by The Friends Who's Names Begin With J. I also started sewing a Built By Wendy short-sleeved blouse in lime sherbet-green checked cotton. No actual sewing action has taken place, but I did get all of the pieces cut. Some day, perhaps, I'll submit photographic evidence of all this DIYness.

-Dick is a Mets fan, and as his enthusiasm for the Baseball-headed One grows, I feel the need to be like him and start enjoying my own team. Historically, when people ask me who my team is, Cleveland has been the easy answer, because I was born there, my family is from there, and I've never lived anywhere else with a major league ball team. Anywho, Dick and I watched the Indians play the other day, and I felt a distinct lack of sports fan idiocy. Thus, I am in search of a few good Indians blog that can bring the snark, the dorkiness, and the gossip.

All I've found so far is Mistake by the Lake Sporting Times, which, in spite of its catchy title and handy parking tips, is a little low on posting and also covers the lesser sports of basketball and football.

-Who knew? Coal is the next clean energy.


Lisa B. said...

Two things:

White Sox

Vox: http://www.vox.com/

Oh, and a third: how much are you asking for the automobile?

elsacapuntas said...

Vox! Ms. Pants, you are the source of web goodness.

I'm asking $6,300 for the car. It's the Blue Book price. I'd ask for less , but unfortunately I need the cash.