Wednesday, March 28, 2007

won't you be my bikefriend?

It's been nearly a year since ankle met car, and I'm still not back to running. The pain in the little screwed together joint is actually getting worse. The weather is warm, and I need to get out and work off my winter lipid stores. Fortunately, my ankle tolerates biking well, so I'd like to get out for some nice long bike rides. I'm pissed, though, because the one cycling group in the area attempts to serve four counties, and most of the rides start in a county that is not my own. Driving 30 minutes to ride a bike is both absurd and a pain in the ass.

Also, I've been afraid to ride on my own since I was bitten by a dog on the local greenway. It's a little paranoid and silly of me, but I justify myself by reasoning there are many good reasons to have a biking buddy based on rational fears.

So, anyone want to join in on some slowish bike rides with a slightly out of shape lady who only has a mountain bike? Weekends are good, some evenings work too.


Lisa B. said...

You sound like a perfect biking partner for mem! My problem is that I'm always doing doggie things--taking classes, teaching classes, competing in silly dog sports, etc.

But I may have some time this Friday evening, Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon (sorry the mornings are taken by dog stuff!) I will e-mail you my crack phone # ...

Anonymous said...

Ack... I'd love to, if I still lived in Durham. Ho hum.

elsacapuntas said...

htrouser, it is only a matter of time before you are ready to bike to d-town for the weekend from hotlanta.

ms. pants, a saturday or sunday afternoon bike would be awesome. i shall call the crack phone.