Monday, March 26, 2007

what do i do with this crap?

There are many things I like about living in Our Fair City, but the city services often leave something to be desired. For example, yard waste. Dick and I have actually started doing things to our yard - things that encourage growing, rather than, say, trying to kill the grass so we don't have to mow it. We planted a little herb and veg garden that we are very proud of. We check it hourly to see if any of our seeds have sprouted. We pulled weeds and raked up some of the leaves that have been clogging our yard since they fell off the trees several months ago.

So now we have a pile of the dreaded Yard Waste. Dreaded because Our Fair City will only dispose of your yard waste if you pay them to. That's not such a bad deal, I guess, if you have over $100 to spend on a big plastic bin and the fee to have the city come and take it away every now and then. I don't, and, frankly, I suspect there are many other people who don't have 'yard waste bin' at the top of their list of things on which to spend $100. If I pack up all of the crap myself and take it to the nearest recycling center, I still have to pay a fee. The city website suggests I could alternately buy one of their composting bins, sold at cost (a good deal, I admit), for my yard waste. But a big pile of leaves actually makes for pretty shitty compost, and the composting bins are currently sold out. Lovely.

I've considered sneaking my leaves and such into a neighbor's yard waste bin in the middle of the night, or perhaps taking part in the age-old tradition of piling it all in the back yard and setting it on fire.

In other waste news, any one want a couple bottles full of used cooking oil?

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

You could compost the yard waste.

Or you can bring it over to my place and put it into our bin. We share bins with out next-door neighbor, but they never use it because a) they live in Egypt; b) their renters don't do any yard work; and c) nobody seems to do any yard work there anymore.

Since I don't do much yard work anymore either, and Mr. Pants almost never does any, our bins sit unused 90% of the time.

But it would be easier to start a nice compost pile than to bring all that shit over here.