Monday, August 07, 2006

the king of creep

American Apparel CEO Dov Charney, who's creepiness was made public in a 2004 Jane Magazine article (alas, hard to find on the innernet these days), has been stripped of the King of Creep title. The new winner: 'Girls Gone Wild' CEO Joe Francis. Based on the experiences of a writer from the L.A. Times, the reality of the new King of Creep makes the "get young women drunk and get them to do dirty things" premise of the videos seem ethical by comparison. Being a violent, emotionally stunted and thoroughly misogynisitic person is much, much worse for the world when you've got a shitload of money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the "jane" story actually ran in 2005. here's a british take on charney:,12271,1683009,00.html