I made this dress last night. The pattern is from Blueprint, a new Martha Stewart vehicle. It was so damn easy looking, and I have a bunch of fabric a friend gave me for free a few weeks ago, so I ran right home after to work to try it out. I chose a light blue cotton with 1/8" gold wiggly stripes that is basically like a men's shirting fabric.
Making the dress ended up being a bit of a, ahem, learning experience. I made the dress following the instructions, but when I tried it on it was huge. Positively tentlike. I took out one of the side seams, cut away 4 inches of fabric, and it was still too big. Took out the seam again, cut away more fabric, and, lo and behold, it was too small. Since you sew the side seams first, I would have had to take out every single seam I had sewn to make the side seams smaller so the dress would fit. Instead I donated the first dress to my cat for a new thing-on-which-to-lay and used the remaining fabric to start over again.
The dress still ended up a little big, but it's probably an issue inherent to wearing a garment that is essentially a rectangular laundry bag: you're going to end up with some extra billowing in the upper torso area. As the picture indicates, you pretty much need to wear a belt or something with the dress to give it some shape. I'm going to make a wide sash with some extra fabric to make a sort of midriff band, which in trials looked really nice. In the end, it actually turned out quite cute, and perfect for the terribly hot weather that has recent beset the region. Some day I'll get a digital camera so I can share pictures of these things more often than the occasions when I can surreptitiously borrow my camera from work.
you are much curvier than this model, which will make the striped sack look sexy rather than tragic. take that, martha!
ah, ricarda, if only i were a lesbian, i'd let you hop in that striped sack with me.
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