Q: Business or pleasure?
A: A little bit of both.
Dick was conferencing while I spent some time furthering my quest to ensure that my future involves even greater poverty than my present, i.e., selecting MFA (that's Mother Fucking Arts) programs to which I would like to apply. Apparently, I come across as even more square on first impression than I initially thought. The faculty dude I met with, after 30 minutes or so of discussion, asked me earnestly, "Are you sure you'll like being at art school? There are a lot of weird people around here."
Now, in my estimation, the top three weirdest people out there are a) fundamentalists christians, b) swingers, and c) carnies. I think if I ever met a fundamentalist christian carnie swinger my head would explode, and the more I think about the more likely it seems that people like this exist. They probably live in the midwest. This is one reason I never go to the midwest.
My point is, art school kids are a lot more annoying than they are weird. And since when was artistic talent or merit indicated by how wacky you seem to be after half an hour? Anyway, I don't really blame the guy, as in interview situations I tend to revert to stick-up-the-ass prude-woman behavior that I learned from my uptight parents. I remember when I was interviewing at colleges the admissions officer at Bard reacted the same way to me.
That's why you need to shop up drunk.
And in pyjamas.
you know, i was thinking of showing up to the next one with a stalker portfolio of the interviewer, complete with photos taken of him/her picking up the newpaper in the morning, dropped reciepts, trash i've collected from their garbage can, etc.
why go for wacky when you can go for mentally unhinged?
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