Tuesday, December 06, 2005

hurl in this

Last night around 10:30 I was doing some yoga. Bonnie the cat was walking around the room and jumped onto a chair next to me. Just as I was doing Upright Prancing Dog or whatever Bonnie said, "This is what I think of your yoga," and projectile vomitted across the chair, carpet, and yoga mat. Then she jumped down from the chair and looked at me with an expression that said, "Hm, how about that."

Sometimes, the cosmos just don't want you to do yoga. They want you to clean up cat puke.


Lisa B. said...

My dear departed Kitty would curl up for a snooze on either of my back or my tummy (whichever was presented) while I did yoga poses. It was both sweet and annoying at the same time. I miss him ...

elsacapuntas said...

wow, does that mean i don't actually have to clean up the cat vomit?