Wednesday, October 05, 2005

national paranoia-inducing radio

I'm back on the NPR wagon, harkening back to the days when the only thing that kept me from dunking my head into the acid stop bath in my darkroom job was 8 straight hours of public radio. I work at a job I actually kind of like now, but for some reason the last week has seen a shift in hours spent listening to music to hours spent listening to NPR.

The result is that my sense of how much life in the US of Ass sucks has been suddenly made much more keen. I am fucking terrified. Future Supreme Court Robot Meir is going get Roe v. Wade overturned, whiny right-wing college kids are getting Congress to pass a law that will allow Harriet Meir robot clones to pubicly flog any university faculty member that dares to crack a Cheney joke, and the Catholic Church is doing its part to undo years of psychology proving homosexuality and pedophilia aren't connected.

And, as a couple of friends reminded me over drinks last night, avain flu is going to kill us all.

At least I can die with the knowledge that my fuel-efficient car ran circles around the big ass chunks of cash SUV-owners have had to pay to get from their suburban McMansion to work at semi-urban sprawl office park. Plus, my car is baby blue. When was the last time you saw a baby blue Expedition?


Anonymous said...

don't get excited, but this afternoon, on Street Where I Park, i saw four brothers and sisters of your car parked in a row, one behind the other.

elsacapuntas said...

they travel in packs so they can attack weak SUVs when they run out of gas.

Lisa B. said...

I'm serious about wanting to move to South America--it's not all midlife crisis. You can come with if you want. I speak enough Spanish for both of us.

elsacapuntas said...

mmm, south america...i better start shopping for a fanny pack to hide my gun in for when we go to those favela clubs.

also, south america is clearly the safest place to be during a flu pandemic, because there are no birds in south america. right?