Wednesday, June 29, 2005

derrida: good for lunch, but better off dead

derrida lunchbox

There was a time in my life when I wanted to make a t-shirt with Jacques Derrida's face on it and the words "Fuck you, Derrida!" But I think making him protect my peanut butter and honey sandwiches is a way more fitting task for the deceased man's image. Its says: "Do not eat my cookies or the ghost of Jacque Derrida will haunt you!"

Interestingly, the source of this image is the archives of a Catholic blog, Times Against Humanity (charming play on words, eh?), from a post on the occassion of Derrida's death in October 2004. And guess what? These Catholics apparently really hate Derrida. Or at least his ideas. Quoting an article by James Heartfield, the entry sums up its distate for Derrida thusly:

Thus, we conclude with Heartfield:

There is little doubt that Derrida was an erudite and learned philosopher, but his erudition was bent towards a destructive aim. In him the unreason of the age found its cunning articulator. The pernicious influence of Derrida's philosophy, underpinned by the confusion of the times, persists after his death.

May it, unlike its creator, be buried forever.

In the terms of this blog's interpretation of Catholocism, apparently Derrida's thinking is bad because logocentrism is good. Because, like, destroying language is destroying stuff. And that's bad. Like masturbation.

But I guess I won't have to worry about any hardcore Catholics stealing shit from that lunchbox.


j.h. said...

As someone with an english degree and who is working on a masters in library science, i must say that having to suffer through Derrida was one of the worst experiences of my life!

Anonymous said...

actually, i think that catholics hate derrida because his people killed jesus.

elsacapuntas said...

i like how horrified daffy is at being on a lunchbox opposite derrida.

what sinister mind created this piece of lunch-toting horror?

Anonymous said...

Heartfield? Feh! Has anyone written a catchy dance pop song about HIM? I don't think so.