I picked up this brochure on the way out of a branch of the public library. The illustration raises so many questions. Such as:
-Is that turkey exceptionally large, or is that woman exceptionally small?
-If the former is the case, is it to suggest that the woman is a vegetarian because the turkey is a) her lover or b) really fucking scary?
-Are those marijuana leaves at their feet?
I suspect this brochure dates to c. 1980, not only because of the pastoral-maiden-hippie as vegetarian, but because all of the recipes inside ascribe to the "it's not vegetarian unless it has wheat germ or soy in it" philosophy of vegetarian cooking. The North American Vegetarian Society also suggests that you serve your "Holiday Loaf" with "Mashed Potato Balls." Does making them into balls somehow mean less animals die then when you serve them the regular way?
The more I look at this, the more it creeps me out. Note to single men: if the woman invites you back to her secluded island, DO NOT GO.